Monday, September 19, 2011
Zetec escort smoking?
changed head gasket due to it leaking into cylinder,now engine runs fine no pressure in water or water in oil but when i rev engine large clouds of greyish, white smoke comes from exhaust had it running for about 1 hour and drove it for about a mile ,changed oil and filter fitted new head bolts, correct torque,how long would it take to clear if it was antifreeze/water in exhaust system,when i drove it it left big trail of smoke along street when revving it quite hard ,very little smoke at tickover,i dont have pressure tester but turned engine over by hand and there plenty of resistance when turning .is it knackered.i bought car with head gasket gone so not 100% if engine was ok before gasket goneZetec escort smoking?Did you have the Ali head pressure tested? if yes just crap like oils/grease in bores,if that does not clear after a few Min's then sounds like the Head has a crack in it, sorry...did the same on a 1995 1.6 Zetec...pain in the @ss....Zetec escort smoking?Are you sure the smoke isn't blue? You've got every cause of white smoke described to you in your previous question. Blue smoke is burning oil, if the car has been driven a lot with a leaking head gasket then the block/rings may have worn out due to water in the oil, watery oil isn't a good lubricant. Generally this is the rule: Black smoke = partly burnt fuel due to rich mixture - can be caused by blocked air filter too, White smoke is water, can be from condensation in the exhaust but this doesn't last long. White smoke on a diesel can be unburnt diesel. Blue smoke is burning oil. If you think it may be water then there's a very simple test. Drive the car until it's hot. Now, get out the car and hold a cold piece of metal or a mirror to the exhaust pipe, you may need someone to rev it a bit if it only happens whilst driving. If it gets condensation on it then it's water getting into the cylinders. be sure that it's spots of water and not oil on your mirror though.Zetec escort smoking?Seems like you need a bit more than just a new head gasket, if it was driven with it already wrecked it's probably caused more issues, and it might be worth more to just sell it than bother repairing everything.Zetec escort smoking?i used to have a 96 fiesta 1.4 zetec si, and it used to smoke alot and ended up that the bores had gone oval so needed a new big end on it, cost ovr 1000, just keep an eye on ur oil, if its still using it u might have the same prob