i have a 2000 Peugeot 206 1.4 and a week ago i had my timing belt and head gasket changed because i had an oil leak. i don't no if its related but the handbrake light, oil light and stop light is flickering at me when stopping in traffic and like usual i have the handbrake light lit i have my handbrake on.
as soon as i start to move off or rev the car a little the lights stop flickering and everything is normal. i hear no unusual noise and i haven't realised any difference in the car.
i also changed the oil pressure switch which hasn't helped.
i checked all my oils and they are all find and also the car came out of mechanics and i was there when he checked and topped up all the oils and liquids etc etc.
does anyone one why its flickering please help and someone also told me to increase the idle and it will fix the problem how do i do that and what is idle.Peugeot 206 handbrake and oil light flickering?you need a new oil pressure switch,approx 5 and 15 minuets to fit onePeugeot 206 handbrake and oil light flickering?You MIGHT have a sticking oil presure relief valve, or your idle is too low. The oil pressure relief valve is a part of your oil pump. In other words, if your relief valve is mucked up with sludgy oil, it cannot do it's job, which is to regulate oil pressure when the engine is cold or idling slow. If your engine is fule injected, have your IDLE AIR CONTROL VALVE cleaned out with gum-out spray or equivalent. Check your PCV hose for signs of collapsing. IF you have been using regular oils, STOP DOING THIS. Regular oil is the usual cause for oil leaks and sticking pressure valves. START using Mobil One or ELF oil , or at least German Castrol!!! If your engine is idling too slow, it will trigger the oil pressure light no matter how often you change the sensor. Perhaps your technician has used the wrong weight or manufacture of oil for your car. START by having your throttle body and idle air control valve cleaned out. Power wash your engine so things stay clean and easy to see! It is also possible that your voltage regulator is acting up due to low engine speed, or bad carbon brushes that need replacing.Peugeot 206 handbrake and oil light flickering?Told you before, mate, the brake warning system and the oil pressure warning system are entirely separate. The only thing they have in common is that they both have warning lights. You have an electrical problem.