How much extra oil does it take to blow a head gasket? I had my fixed, picked it up friday, took it to get an oil change and after about an hour it started jerking. When my boyfriend took out the spark plugs, there was one COVERED in oil. They said I was half a quart low, which I find hard to believe because a week before I had checked it and it was full, then they put 4.6 quarts in it. I have a 2001 dodge neon. Please help me.Blown Head Gasket?It is very unlikely you blew a head gasket. The first thing to happen after that would be coolant entering the cylinder which would smoke, but very unlikely oil. For a plug to be oil covered, you just about have to have a large hole in that piston, or maybe dropped a valve that ended up puncturing through the piston. Sorry, don't look good.Blown Head Gasket?well was the car smoking?
when you blow a head gasket it smokes white when you blow piston rings it burn black/blue that is how you sudden lose oil with out leaking it.Blown Head Gasket?take it back to the place that fixed it and show them the bad spark plug. probably installed head gasket wrong. sounds like you are getting a missfire on that cylinder and that would cause it to jerk. also make sure its oil and not gas; smell it, if its gas then it could be an ignition problem.Blown Head Gasket?Don't pull spark plugs. Check the dipstick. It sounds like the oil has been overfilled. Don't keep driving the car yet. Just drain the excess oil and your car will run fine. Don't let other bozos change your oil. Don't let your boyfriend jack with your car. Stop being girly and do your own maintenance. If you don't care to get under the car and get a little dirty, drain the oil with a filler tube siphon. Learn how to read a dipstick. That's where the term 'dipstick' came from. It's so easy, you have to be a dipstick to not know how to do it. Remember, 95% of your car's problems arise from the last bozo that worked on it.
Jss671, if you continue to let your current friends, boyfriends, or 'mechanics' mess with your car, than I will consider you an idiot. Otherwise, I think you are an honest girl trying to save her car, but is very frustrated and not too mechanically inclined. That's ok, continue reading. If you live in an apartment, generally they do not want people working on their cars. However, the process of draining some excess oil in you car is very simple and done in about 5 minutes without getting under the car.
You can get a dipstick siphon pump at any autoparts store, boat store (used for boat engines where you cannot get under the engine), or even Walmart. I believe they have them in their marine sections, auto sections, or RV sections. They are not expensive, around $20-$30. You insert the tube into the oil dipstick tube (take out the dipstick first). Then suck out the excess oil with the pump into a can. 5 minutes tops, no mess, no fuss. Good luck, and make sure your spark plugs are not loose. Try to wiggle them with your hand. If they wiggle, pull off the wire one at a time (don't mix them up), tighten the plug(s) with a socket wrench with a spark plug socket. Replace the wire.
Oh, its helicoil, not hemicoil. I know you have a Dodge, but they don't have HEMIcoils. A helicoil is a quick fix to stripped engine block threads. If your engine has helicoils, someone have been stripping the threads on your engine block. Whomever has been changing sparkplugs on your car has been destroying it. A car that is only 5 years old should not require helicoils. Nevertheless, this is the reason your spark plug flew out at your Mom. The helicoil may have failed. Yes, I read your other posting. Find an old guy (not a young one) to check your plugs.Blown Head Gasket?with the jerking you stated about your car aftre getting head gasket replaced sounds as if you may have a busted compression ring in one of those cylinders and this could be where the oil is coming from also if that head gasket was just replaced and nobody bothered to check for head warpage this is the reason for having that jerking come from your eng. this is a common problem with fly by night shops with your so called parts changers and not techniciansBlown Head Gasket?A busted head gasket will leak anti freeze not oil. Sounds like you either have a burnt piston or maybe your oil was just overfilled in which case it is trying to burn off and is burning through your spark plugs. Drain your oil and refill it to the proper requirements. You'll probably need to either replace your spark plugs at this time because they will have a carbon buildup from the oil they have burned. If the plugs don't have a carbon buildup then take them out and clean them in gasoline and scrub them with a wire brush then regap them and reinsert them. Be sure to take a rag and stick it in the plug hole to remove any existing oil first.Blown Head Gasket?The Oil Sounds About Right 4.5 Qts. Had A Problem With My 2001 Neon The Rear Seal Was Leaking Like Crazy Engine Would Jerk..So I Drove It To The Grave Then Just Replaced The Engine..But i Would Take It back To Whoever Worked On Your Vehicle..Hope This Helps..