I just bought this 4runner off a guy, and he said that the head gasket has been changed, and water pump,he also said that it has a small oil leak,nothing major.But now it seems like it's leaking a lot of oil.The top of the motor is bone dry, it's leaking from the bottom.Could it just be the plug? Have you had any issues with your 4runner?and what was it,and how much did it cost to get it fixed?Thanks for your input.If you own a 1992 4Runner, can you help me with something?If it is leaking from near the middle of the engine then that could be your head gasket, although the previous owner said it was replaced, they could have messed up on the torque and cracked the new gasket. I have noticed that a lot of the V-6 engines leak from the front main seal around the crank (harmonic balancer). If the water pump has been replaced then you would hope they also replaced the timing belt and possibly the tensioner and idler with it bc they will wear out, there is also a seal in there that can go bad and leak down the inside of the belt cover making it look like the front seal is leaking but isnt. Deffinetly ask the prev. owner who and when the job was done and to the extent of the work was completed and replaced.If you own a 1992 4Runner, can you help me with something?It's leaking from the head gasket by the sounds of it. If you can, see if the seller can tell you where the head gasket was changed, and see if they can re-set it. If the water pump was also changed, see if the timing belt was changed at the same time (the belt runs the pump, and you pretty much have to open the engine case to get to that as well.
Try calling and asking a few national repair chains (ie. Midas, meineke) since these vehicles are definitely out of warranty, and they will have a repair guarantee. The price of any repair depends on where you live, and most important, the amount of time it took for the mechanics to fix the issue.If you own a 1992 4Runner, can you help me with something?Sounds like your pan gasket is leaking....Is it a 4 banger or a v6?The early 4 bangers had problems with the heads...The 6 bangers it was heads and gaskets...There has actually been a mandatory recall on all the v6 for the head gaskets...So if you call toyota and give them the vin# they will be able to tell you whats up with your truck...