at around 160 000 miles the engine of the ouback 2.5 was overheating only on high speed. Now , at 200 000 miles all the time in hot wearther.Cooling water consumption, about 1 liter by 1000 miles, What can be ? I use fuel and gas, and a Subaru dealer told me that the gas brakes the heads..What is the best to do ? how much costs heads? changing the gaskets can be enough?
T Y.Heating problems with my 1999 subaru ouback.?The head gaskets are very sensitive to a overheating condition. Subaru actually extended powertrain warranty time on theses vehicle for head gasket failure conditions. But unfortunatelty you are above the milage and time limit to qualify for the repairs. I've worked on a hand full of these vehicles and none of of them required cylinder head replacement. I just replaced the gaskets, flushed the block and radiator and the vehicles ran trouble free. In the event if you are not so lucky,at one time subaru offered rebuilt heads with exchange for yours. Price ranged from 450-650$ per head. They may still be avalible.
Good Luck!Heating problems with my 1999 subaru ouback.?Nobody on this portal can tell you for sure....but you may be able to get away with just replacing the head gaskets. There are a lot of miles on this engine....