I have a 2005 nissan sentra, 1.8s with 68,000 miles. i am getting a code for a misfire on cylinder 4, changed all 2 spark plugs still getting code. service department said its probably the head gasket, that its common in these cars?? how is that possible when its never overheated??
after the cars gotten cold when you first start it up it misses and idles high until it warms up, the service engine light is on and other than that it seems to be running fine.
i jus dont understand how a car with only 68000 miles just blows a head gasket for no apparent reason, plus i thought if your head gasket was blown your car would overheat and antifreeze would leak into the oil.? i jus dont understand, any one have any ideas.Blown head gasket in 2005 nissa sentra??try changing the spark plug wires then unhook your + cable for 2 minutes to reset the computerBlown head gasket in 2005 nissa sentra??Sounds more like a vacuum leak.
Maybe a small hose came off the intake somewhere and is sucking air and causing a %26quot;lean condition missfire%26quot; in one of you cylinders.
Look, feel, and listen for a sucking noise around engine.Blown head gasket in 2005 nissa sentra??Over night you head gasket is leaking antifreeze in to the cly. when you first start it after it setting for a long time you are burning off the water that is the cly. then it will run fine until it sets again. the way it's getting into the cly. it will not over heat until the leak get's much worse, get the head gasket replaced be for you have some real problemsBlown head gasket in 2005 nissa sentra??Do yourself a favor and either do a compression test, or get a compression test done.
A compression test will let you know if it's the head gasket as the cylinder with the problem will have lower pressure than the rest. The oil/anti-freeze mix is common with a bad headgasket, but it the head gasket didn't go bad between those chambers they won't mix.
A cylinder compression tool typically run $25-$30 at a parts store. Just make sure you take the fuse out of the fuel pump motor so it doesn't inject fuel, and make sure you mark your spark plug wires so you can get them back to the right spot.Blown head gasket in 2005 nissa sentra??Are you lossing oil or anti-freeze.When it heats up in the morning does the heat gauge go almost into the red then it drops down have you loss power.these would be some signs of a bad head gasket.Put a compression tester on it and check the compression.usaully the motor will run worse when it warms up everything expands from the heat cracks get bigger etc.I would check in your ignition system uless you have the other problems I have mentioned.Things just go out there is no rime or reason.heres a saying%26quot;IF IT HAS BOOBS OR WHEELS IT WILL CAUSE YOU TROUBLE%26quot; GOOD LUCK PS had to use boobs instead of ????