Changing a head gasket isn't the biggest pain in the butt to do on an engine, but it ranks right up there with the ones that are.
If you have a blown head gasket, chances are, the car was overheated - perhaps badly. That means the head is slightly warped. It must be carefully machined to an exacting smoothness at a machine shop. When you reinstall the head, you must be meticulously clean. There cannot be a speck of grease - not even a fingerprint of grease on either side of the head or block, or you'll have a bad seal and it will blow again.
A metal gasket is best to use, as are ARP brand studs for new bolts. You must carefully tighten the bolts in an x like pattern, moving around the head until they are all tightened equally by using a torque wrench, down to the specified torque.
This is one of those things that, unless the money doesn't exist, or the car is just not worth it, that I would not hesitate to pay a mechanic for. If you decide to do it, and have never done it before, I highly recommend you find a very knowledgible (sp?) friend to help you through it.
-KevinHow to change head gasket on a engine?Changing a cylinder head gasket is a major engine repair that requires specialized tools and expertise to do correctly. The clyinder head and engine block should be thoroughly inspected for warping and heat related damage such as cracks and metal failure.
The engine should be reassembled using the manufacturer's procedures, sometimes an angle gauge is used instead of a torque wrench. Some manufacturers use bolts which must be replaced each time they are used. Some manufacturer's use studs that are installed in the engine block and if overheated they may fail or come loose from the aluminum block.These are just a few of the things that a person would have to know before attempting the repair job.
Take the vehicle to someone that knows the correct procedures.How to change head gasket on a engine?If you are mechanically inclined you can purchase a repair manual from any auto parts store and do it yourself. Sometimes it is better to let a pro do the job as it ends up costing less in the long run. Also if you do the job yourself you should have all the necessary tool on hand, not everyone keeps a torque wrench in their toolbox!!!How to change head gasket on a engine?The most complicated part is installing the timing belt, it is very important to get the timing correct, I also recommend while you have it apart to replace the timing belt and water pump, they are inexpensive and will save you money in the long run.How to change head gasket on a engine?You can have a shop pull the head off, have it sent to a machine shop, and have them change the gasket if the head is good. Expect to pay at least 700 dollars if the head is re-usuable.How to change head gasket on a engine?take the head off and install new gasketHow to change head gasket on a engine?buy a book and go step by step.